POTENTIALS is a project funded by the European Commission, through the Research Fund for Coal and Steel. The POTENTIALS project seeks to exploit the joint capacity of end-of-life coal mine sites and coal-fired power plants, together with closely related industries, in order to stimulate new economic activities, developing jobs and economic value in coal regions in transition.

One of the main project outcomes is to propose scenarios to ensure a sustainable and combined use of assets and resources that can be overlooked in phasing out processes, and which can provide added value to society and the economy. 

The work carried out so far has made it possible to propose several scenarios of economic activities that can be developed in the areas where the assets and resources released from end-of-life coal mines and coal-fired thermal power plants are located. For example: Virtual power plant, Green hydrogen plant, Materials recovery from waste heaps, Ancillary services provided by batteries, Combined heat and power plant (CHP), Small modular reactor plant (SMR), Bit-coin mine, etc.

However, this list does not cover all possibilities, that’s why we are kindly asking for your help in the search for new scenarios.

You can submit your proposition below. The ideas can be in your mother language, indicating personal details or anonymously.

We sincerely thank you for your participation in this consultation.

The POTENTIALS Project Team.

Consultation on future scenarios of coupled end-of-life coal mines and coal-fired power plants